
Video Release Showcasing the PolyWorks|Talisman™ in Action

InnovMetric Software is pleased to announce the release of an all-new video featuring the PolyWorks|Talisman in action.

PolyWorks|Talisman™ First to Deliver Real-Time Laser Scanning Visual Feedback on Mobile Devices

InnovMetric Software Inc. announces today that the latest intermediate release of the PolyWorks® universal 3D metrology platform — V12.0.3 — can display on Apple® mobile devices in real time laser-scanned points being captured, thanks to the new PolyWorks/Talisman app. Equipped with PolyWorks/Talisman and an Apple mobile device, laser scanning operators can get immediate visual and audio feedback ...

PolyWorks® V12 New Parametric Sketching Tools Enable the Creation of Parametric and Associative Solid CAD Models from Digitized Parts

InnovMetric Software is pleased to announce that the new version 12 of its PolyWorks/Modeler™ reverse engineering solution offers parametric 2D sketching capabilities at no additional cost. The new PolyWorks V12 sketcher allows users to: